I Love to Be Me: Songs in the Mood of the Fifth by Channa A. Seidenberg
“I Love to Be Me” is a wonderful selection of thirty-two songs for young children, aged 5 to 9 years and beyond. Channa A. Seidenberg compiled this delightful collection while working with children. The music is composed using a seven-stringed lyre in the pentatonic scale, and it can easily be played using any twelve key instrument.
This book is thoroughly illustrated in color, with twenty-four charming watercolor illustrations by Kingsley Lou Little, which helps bring the words and music to life.
Paperbound, 60 pp, 8 1/4″ x 7 7/8″, recommended for all parents and teachers of young children.
<img class="tpimg" align="center" title="I Love to Be Me: Songs in the Mood of the Fifth by Channa A. Seidenberg” alt=”I Love to Be Me: Songs in the Mood of the Fifth by Channa A. Seidenberg” src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1523/8730/products/ilovetobeme.jpg”>