Mighty Silks Rugged Play Silks – Rainbow Colors
Play silks can be anything you imagine: a knight’s cape, a fort, a fairytale landscape, a princess’s veil, a witch’s babushka, a snowy hill, dragon wings, the deepest ocean, a peek-a-boo game – all in one piece of beautifully soft and light silk!
These fabulous Mighty Silks are beautiful, 35″ x 35″ play silks, made from thick 8mm weight habotai silk. We have found that this heavier weight silk is extremely durable and will not tear or rip when making knots repeatedly over the years! These have held up with our girls wearing them out of doors, making forts, running through brambles, and essentially abusing them! We first started making our silks about 10 years ago for our first daughter, and we still use the same silks today for our third daughter. They are hand-hemmed, and are hand-dyed by us right here in the USA! They are available singly or as a set of eight rainbow colors. Mighty Silks Rainbow Play Silks are available in the following colors:
- Tomato Red
- Pumpkin Orange
- Duckling Yellow
- Moss Green
- Sea Spray Aqua
- Indigo Blue
- Iris Purple
- Mulberry Purple
- White
The silks are manufactured and hand-hemmed in China, and are hand-dyed, -ironed, and -packaged in Pennsylvania. Also available in a set of eight Pastel Colors Play Silks!
PLEASE NOTE:  As with all play silks, sizes vary from silk to silk. They are hand-hemmed, dyed in very hot water, ironed, and each of these processes can change the size of the silks. They are not perfect squares. We find that children do not notice and enjoy each as it is.