Finger Strings:A Book of Cat’s Cradles and String Figures by Michael Taylor
Finger string games are a wonderful opportunity for today’s children to practice meaningful movement, explore space, interact with others, and exercise their creative spirits. They are also great fun!
String games can be especially useful to children who struggle at school or are dyslexic, and for those who are learning the concepts of “left and right” and “up and down.” Finger Strings contains games that will delight all children, from the very young to those with greater dexterity.
Michael Taylor has many years of experience working with children and has shared his string figures at schools and camps throughout the world. Finger Strings contains more than eighty inventive, imaginative string games and stories, all clearly illustrated with step-by-step, color diagrams. This book is designed especially to require minimal page-turning while making string shapes.
Ringbound to lie flat. Includes two brightly colored strings to get you started. 8 ¼ x 9 inches, 144 pages, 600+ color illustrations.
Michael Taylor is a teacher at Michael Hall (Waldorf) School in the UK. He promotes traditional childhood games of movement and agility for the classroom, playground, and gym, and is often called the “String Man.” In addition to string figures, Michael collects and teaches clapping games, finger games, jump-rope activities, ball bouncing, and beanbag games. He always carries a string with him, and has been known to share string patterns with strangers on trains and airplanes. He is the author of Finger Strings; Pull the Other One! and Now You See It…
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