Devil Worshiping Lesbian: A Bisexual Woman’s Love Letter to Men
By: Naomi Fuqua
Poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
This collection of poetry began as a feminist manifesto authored while in residency with Arte Suma Paz in San Bernardo, Colombia. Written in response to a lifetime of toxic relationships with men, the title Devil Worshiping Lesbian refers to a homophobic slur directed at her by a male classmate while sexually harassing Naomi in highschool. Devil Worshiping Lesbian sometimes reads like nursery rhymes for adults, it takes the reader on a personal journey of a bisexual queer girl to womanhood, while dealing with the theme of traumatic love.
The second half of the title, A bisexual woman’s love letter to men, is earnestly intended to mean just that.