Big-Stamp Two-Toes the Barefoot Giantby Reg Down
Tiptoes Lightly lives in an acorn high up in the branches of a Great Oak Tree. Big-Stamp follows her adventures – and those of her friends – through springtime. Early on in the book, Ompliant the Elephant’s leg is pulled by Chit-chat the Chipmunk; Puddle questions Six O’Clock as to ‘Why?’, and Tom Nutcracker – Farmer John’s son – follows giant footprints into the forest, but ends up getting treed. Then Tiptoes floats down to the sea on Running River and meets a dolphin who has never seen flowers. She leads him upriver and Tom Nutcracker and his sister, June Berry, show him many beautiful spring blossoms. In the course of the book many tales are told or woven into the text: how Forget-me-nots came to be, ‘The Tale of Plantimals and Plocks’, ‘Kites’ (a reincarnation tale), ‘The Legend of Oak Knoll Warren’ and, of course, ‘Big-Stamp Two-Toes the Barefoot Giant’.
Big-Stamp Two-Toes the Barefoot Giant is lavishly illustrated by the artist-author. They are reverent, humorous, sanguine and spiritual. They are innocent and magical tales, suitable for reading to children 6 years and up. Most of the stories in this book would be alright for younger children but you need to use your discretion and perhaps read a chapter or two ahead before reading to very young children.
Reg Down has taught (and told stories to) children in Waldorf schools over the past twenty-two years. He has performed eurythmy, developed colored shadow puppetry shows, painted and sculpted with and for children. He resides in Northern California.
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