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Beeswax Hedgehog Candle Discount

Original price was: $5.95.Current price is: $2.98.
Beeswax Hedgehog Candle “And how small she had grown—and how brown—and covered with PRICKLES! Why! Mrs. Tiggy-winkle was nothing but a

Wooden Hedgehog Discount

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.50.
Wooden Hedgehog She was running, running, running up the hill—and where was her white frilled cap? And her shawl? And

Woodland Scene Felt Craft Kit Sale

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
Woodland Scene Felt Craft Kit Just beyond the next bend lies a woodland glad where Hedgehog snuffles beneath the toadstools,