A Tale of Two Daddies
By: Vanita Oelschlager, Kristin Blackwood (Illustrated by)
A playground conversation between two children, A Tale of Two Daddies introduces a type of family increa singly visible in our society. Neither favoring nor condemning, this book reflects a child’s practical and innocent look at the adults who nurture and love her.
A Tale of Two Daddies is a playground conversation between two children. The boy says he heard that the girl has two dads. The girl says that is right. She has Daddy and Poppa. True to a child’s curiosity, practical questions follow. “Which dad helps when your team needs a coach? / Which dad cooks you eggs and toast?” To which she answers: “Daddy is my soccer coach. / Poppa cooks me eggs and toast.”
A Tale of Two Daddies is intended for 4-8 year olds. It becomes clear that the family bond is unburdened by any cultural discomforts. This book introduces a type of family increasingly visible in our society. Neither favoring nor condemning, this book reflects a child’s practical and innocent look at the adults who nurture and love her.